My work focuses on adults

because that is where my strength lies.

My work focuses on alleviating emotional and psychological pain.

My work’s overall purpose is to help you experience less pain and more joy.

And as much as I wish I could say that all this can be achieved quickly, all the time, and that there is no emotional or psychological discomfort or pain involved in the work, I cannot realistically say that.

Good results require dedicated, good quality work.  On your part as well as mine.

 So, how do we get there?

My primary go-to therapeutic approach is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).  This is currently considered the gold standard in psychotherapy.  It is focused on identifying and changing what keeps you from thinking, feeling, and living in a more satisfying and joyful way.  It also focuses on relieving your pain in the here and now.  This is achieved by insight into thinking patterns, believes, and belief systems and can – depending on your focus, scale and scope of your goal – result in fast symptom relief.

 At the same time, different people need different therapeutic approaches.  Not all of us are made from the same cloth.

Therefore, I am using several theories and therapies. The choice of one or several approaches depends on my clients’ personality, lifetime experiences, worldview, as well as the area and level of pain.  When we start working together, I will offer general options and support in choosing the right approach of how we best go about making the situation better and specifically about choosing the right fit between therapeutic approach, length, and goals that you want to achieve.

In addition to CBT, I inform my therapeutic approach with Positive Psychology, which focuses on psychological and emotional pain relief as well as on identifying, building, and facilitating existing strengths patterns to increase joy and satisfaction in life. 

I am also partial to Individual Therapy where we focus on insight to overcome obstacles and reorientation to live a more satisfying life.  Individual Therapy has similarities with CBT, but it was developed long before insurances determined the focus, length, and depth of therapeutic work and thus entails a more holistic approach of assessing and resolving our lives’ roadblocks.

Equally holistic is Victor Frankl’s methodology as it focuses on issues of life’s meaning. These questions tend to come up regularly in my clients’ thoughts, like “What is it really all about”?

 Lastly, I offer Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR).  This is a special theory and therapy developed by an American Psychologist, Dr. Francine Shapiro.  It is focused on helping people process traumatic memories.  Treatment includes following a standardized protocol, cognitive components, skill development and engaging in bilateral brain stimulation.  If this sounds a bit unfamiliar, check it out some more on the EMDR website:

Lastly, I would like you to know that my work always includes much humor and encouragement. 

Even, in fact, particularly, in the most trying sessions.


I am a therapist with a partiality for the challenging. 

My work focuses on alleviating pain, no matter what hurts.

My work focuses on adults because that is where my strength lies.


  • Cognitive Behaviorval Therapy (CBT)

  • Positive Psychology

  • Individual Therapy

  • EMDR therapy.

I am prepared and glad to include your spirituality into our work.


If you would like to start talking,

please, send an email to or call my office (614) 530 0169.