Good Mental Health Care is reflected in the ability to release emotional and psychological steam in puffs rather than in eruptions. 

Life is not fair.  We all face the challenges of whatever life throws at us.  The trick to good mental health is having the ability to recognize the triggers and to mastering the innate ability to decide how, when, and to what degree we will deal with whatever bothers us.  Puffs or spewing lava – the decision is ours. 

You don’t need a counselor or psychotherapist to achieve good mental health nor how to practice good mental health care.   A good measure is to ask yourself how helpless you feel with any particular issue. 

Good friends are the best therapy. Alternatively, the interweb (yes, I know the internet…) provides much information on self-help and improvement.  Please, be careful when you do your research and don’t believe everything you read. I encourage you to verify the people and data that you find. I recommend that in case your symptoms do not decrease, you may want to consider talking to a mental health care professional.